為什麼身上有刺青及疤痕不能考空服員?| 空姐條件

航空公司要求空服組員不能有刺青及疤痕, 為什麼?


Kathy 老師 – 航空職前培訓師 ‧ 前阿聯酋航空空服員


On the basis of the international media report on April 2017, the Malaysian low cost carrier, Malindo Air, has been exposed they required female candidates to strip down to their underwear to see if these candidates have
any visible tattoos or marks on them during interviews.
2017 年四月, 國際媒體批露馬來西亞廉價行空馬印航空(Malindo Air)在舉行空服員面試時,要求應試者脫掉內衣以要檢查她們身上是否擁有刺青或疤痕。


Raja Sa’adi Raja Amrin, Public R elat io ns and Communications Director of Malindo Air, claimed later that “It is the right of the employer to request potential flight attendants to expose their chests to interviewers.” Because their uniform is partially see-through design, and Malindo Air assume customers wouldn’t want someone with “scars of pimples” to serve them or look after their safety.
馬印航空公關主任 Raja Sa’adi Raja Amrin 表示,「雇主有權對未來的空服員進行相關身體檢查。」並將原因歸咎為該公司制服有部分透明,而馬印航空認為他們的顧客不會願意接受身上有標記的空服員來服務甚至是維護他們的飛行安全。


Before we bring out Airlines grooming standard, (yes, it is the requirement that flight attendants should not have visible marks when they wear the uniform for most of the airliners.) I would like to point out that this issue happens quite often in this industry- Sexual Harassment.
在爭論航空公司的服儀標準之前 ( 的確,多數航空公司要求空服組員不得在穿著制服的時候露出顯著的疤痕及刺青 ),但我想特別提出來的,是在航空業不可被忽視的性騷擾議題。


As we all notice this industry is full of energetic and well-groomed young ladies. Since the first female flight attendant Ellen Church was hired by United Airlines in 1930, flight attendants became a pronouns of attractive females. This leads “physical contact and inappropriate advances” to become the most common complaints in the air.
多數人談到航空公司,首先映入腦海的應該都是充滿年輕朝氣的女性空服員。從 1930 年 Ellen Church 受聯合航空的聘僱而成為第一名女性空服員開始,空服員儼然成為充滿魅力的女性代名詞。這樣讓「不合宜的肢體接觸」成為空服員工作時無法避免的問題之一。


According to a survey carried out by Hong Kong Flight Attendants Alliance in 2014, 27% of flight attendants had experienced sexual harassment while on duty, and out all these cases been reported 59% of harassment came from passengers while 41% from their colleagues. Those feedbacks were collected from a pool of three major commercial airlines employees- United Airlines, British Airways, and Cathay Pacific Airways.
2014 年在香港的空服員聯盟進行針對 3 家主要商用航空公司 ( 包括聯合航空、英國航空及國泰航空 ) 的僱員進行了相關的調查訪問,調查結果顯示 27% 的空服員在工作中曾經受到性騷擾;其中 59% 的騷擾案來自乘客,另外41% 的騷擾案為自己的同僚所為。


This are not the random cases shown on media every now and then, but a serious fact you must prepare to handle with smart and efficient manners for most of the flight attendants. The experienced crew members will tell the misbehaved one to stop what they’re doing and threaten them with a written warning from the captain. Although I understand that lots of Asian airliners might not support the crew in the same way, but combining the opinions from my fully experienced aviation fellows, the best solution I suggest to deal with this situation is to make a clear statement on the spot as opposed and then make an official report, especially if there’re colleagues involved.


EllenCC Club, 空姐讀書會, 劉平老師