牡羊座的準空姐們,要練習在面談的過程中『稍稍放慢你的腳步…』| 空姐應考前準備


準空姐們,你們準備好要步步拆解你的面談過關小秘訣了嗎?跟著小編一起看下去吧 ~

Cynthia老師: 航空職前培訓師 ‧ 前長榮助理座艙長 ‧ 卡達航空空服員


Cynthia 老師在工作中常常發現牡羊座的同事,如果遇到不合理的待遇,即使自己不是事主,也會勇於挺身而出。就算遇到位高權重的人,還是會直接把心裡的想法說出口。想要單純直接的小羊兒們聽懂「很社會化」的拐彎抹角幾乎是 mission impassible 啊!


譬如說,我曾經聽過當主考官問到 You’ve traveled to so many countries in Europe, what is the most unforgettable culture shock for you?(你去過那麼多歐洲國家,對你來說印象最深刻的文化衝擊是什麼?)時,

I think the Italians are very cold and detached. I remember I lost my wallet in Rome. When I went the police station and asked the officer to help me, he told me there’s nothing he could do, and I should have been careful in the first place. ( 我覺得義大利人都很冷漠。記得在羅馬的時候,我的錢包掉了。當時我去警察局請警察幫忙我,結果他居然跟我說他沒辦法幫我些什麼,而且在羅馬這些事很常發生,我自己應該要小心。)




Oh, yes. So many things happened in Europe, but there is one remarkable one I felt blushed to talk about.
( 歐洲之旅的確發生了很多插曲,但有件是我現在想起來,都覺得當時我怎麼會這麼天真。)

I remember I lost my wallet in Rome. When I went to the police station and asked the officer to help me, he told me there’s nothing he could do, and I should be careful anyhow. In the beginning, I was shocked that the officer didn’t help me like how the Taiwanese officers would do. When I phoned my friend and complained about this, she said “Daring, you’re not a 10-year-old. You can’t expect everyone to do the thing in your way.” It’s not a pleasure to hear that in the first place, but it really knocked my innocent off. The officer was telling me the fact that if I asked the right question in the right way, perhaps the result would have been totally different. Instead of throwing my problem to the officer and then sit there to expect his fixing it, I should have asked him to take me to the Taiwanese representative office in Rome or assist me in contacting Foreign Ministry Emergency Contact Center. After that I notice I need to help myself first before cry for help.
( 記得在羅馬的時候,我的錢包掉了。當時我去警察局請警察幫忙我,結果他跟我說他沒辦法幫我些什麼,而且在羅馬這些事很常發生,我自己應該要小心。當時我不敢相信他居然就這樣不理我了,不像台灣的警察都會很熱心幫忙。當我事後跟朋友抱怨這件事的時候,我朋友跟我說「你又不是10 歲小孩,應該要知道世界不會照著你的想法轉。」一開始聽到的時候我蠻難過的,但同時也知道當時我的想法真的太天真。警察先生的確說了一個事實,但如果我換一個方式問了不一樣的問題,也許結果會完全不一樣。





EllenCC Club, 空姐讀書會, 劉平老師