空姐最愛的城市- 紐約市, 你認識她有多少?
New York City (known as NYC), main stage of Sex and the City and a dreamland of all American culture, has influenced teenagers. It’s also a city that makes all impossible possible. Since the Statue of Liberty, a remarkable1) symbol of the United States, greeted2) millions of immigrants when they arrived to America by ship in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, NYC has been known as the cultural, financial, and media capital of the world.
美國文化聚集地 – 紐約,熱門影集《慾望城市》的背景舞台,是成千上萬深受美式文化洗禮的青少年心中的夢幻之都。著名的自由女神像從19世紀末、20世紀初開始,代表美國歡迎大量的移民來追逐美國夢。時至今日,紐約市儼然成為世界第一的文化、經濟以及媒體重鎮。在紐約,沒有任何不可能發生的事。
As the metropolitan3) area constitutes the premier gateway4) for legal immigration to the United States, NYC becomes home to5) more than 36% of the residents who are born outside the country. Nowadays more than 800 languages are spoken in New York, which making it the most linguistically diverse city around the globe.
Diversified backgrounds is the key of building NYC the most popular tourist spot. This metropolitan harbor is not only the melting pot of culture, but a colorful entertainment center. You can basically find any activities and cuisines you like to experience. If you’re a music lover, beside the famous Broadway theatre and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, you can also check out Make Music New York concert- a consistent event of free outdoor music concert, which has been recognized6) as one of the best things that have happened to New York musical life in the past decade.
這個國際大港融合來自世界各地的文化習慣,造就出豐富多元的城市風景。任何來訪的觀光客,都可以在這個夢幻的大都會找到自己有興趣的觀光體驗活動。愛好音樂的訪客除了到著名的百老匯劇院區和林肯中心朝聖之外,還可以參加 Make Music New York 戶外音樂會,這個由紐約區著名音樂人及團體聯合舉辦的系列音樂活動,堪稱是近十年來紐約音樂界最重要的推廣活動。
All the gastronomes7) will be amazed at the array of international cuisines influenced by the city’s immigrant history. Annual food festival such as NYC Food Truck Festival, Broadway Bites and Taste of Times Square will defiantly satisfy any kind of appetites.
如果你是美食家,就更不能錯過因為移民文化而異常豐富國際化的紐約美食和各式各樣的美食嘉年華。一年一度的 NYC Food Truck 美食節、Broadway Bites 和 Taste of Times Square 等活動式美食愛好者的最愛, 各式各樣的特色美食絕對可以滿足不同的飲食品味。
Don’t forget the seasonal festival. If you’re not a fan of staying in the throng of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or getting tire of New Year count down at Time square, try to soak in Christmas atmosphere “Under the Stars” at Time Warner Center. From there, you’ll be able to feel daily life of being a New Yorker.
各個節慶活動也是不可不看的觀光盛事。即便你不喜歡到梅西百貨的感恩節遊行人擠人,或是受不了人聲鼎沸的時報廣場新年倒數,我建議你可以在聖誕節時,到時代華納中心觀賞 Under the Stars 聖誕音樂燈光秀,實際跟著紐約客體驗過節的氣氛。
I found myself always fall into a sticky situation when I try to make any travel recommendations for this magical city. There’s too much to introduce, and there’re always something new and experimental happening around to “wow” the visitors. In the end of the day, impossible would be nothing in the Big Apple.
每當有人問我紐約有什麼好吃好玩的「必訪行程」,我總是無法給出一個很明確的答案。這個變化快速的魔幻之都永遠在變化,更新的餐廳、更有趣的表演、更有創意的互動式體驗讓造放這個城市的人永遠看不夠。畢竟在大蘋果 ( 註 1),什麼事都有可能發生。
註 1. 「大蘋果」(Big Apple) 紐約市的別稱,起源於 1921 年。當時《紐約晨遞報 The New York Morning Telegraph》其中一篇專欄描述外來客對紐約的觀感 – 一個充滿機會、遍地黃金的地方。當時的撰文者就以 Big Apple 形容這個大都會,意思是既好看又好吃,人人都想咬上一口。
原 文 為 :The Big Apple. The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen. There’s only one Big Apple. That’s New York.