『請列出 5 種你不想一起工作的國籍』外商航空面談中裝好人是不行的!|空姐應考前準備

報考外商航空面試團體討論必備題: 你最不喜歡與哪種國籍的人住在一起? 日本? 印度?韓國?南非?你來說說看!!


Steve老師:前國泰航空 空服員.TESOL 英語教學權威

面談必備超好用字彙 – 衍伸用法及句型範例


【parts of speech】v.

【synonym簡單用法】stand for

【synonym漂亮用法】on behalf of

【用範例句型學單字】Kath’s English is so good that she will represent her school to join the national English speech contest.


【parts of speech】adj.



【用範例句型學單字】The night view overlooked from the top of Taipei 101 is so breathtaking.


【parts of speech】adj.



【用範例句型學單字】I won’t forget the stunning mountainous scenery that I saw alongside the coast of Hualien last month.


【parts of speech】n.



【用範例句型學單字】My boss’s run-down seems very busy because I could barely see him twice every month.


【parts of speech】n.

【synonym簡單用法】famous / person

【synonym漂亮用法】big shot

【用範例句型學單字】Those celebrities on TV are mostly rich and always spend money like water.


【parts of speech】n.



【用範例句型學單字】I love exotic cuisine very much because I find it so speical and delicious.


【parts of speech】n.



【用範例句型學單字】Steve soon overcame language barrier during his first month when he studied in the States.

Group Interview & performance



Steve 老師接下來重現我們的學員在外商航空公司面試中非準備不可的實境題型的範例,要讓大家找找看,這些應徵者的回答中,有哪些可以應用在你自己的面談準備中,有哪些還要反覆調整呢?

※Steve 老師提醒大家,以下範例為著重流暢度的面談口語自然表達 ,不是正式書寫文章的模式喔 !

★面談情境:Group Discussion, 5 candidates (Amanda, Benjamin, Coco, Gina, Zoe) with 1 interviewer.

◆Interviewer A: Please list 5 nationalities you don’t like to work with.
請列出 5 種妳不想一起工作的國籍。

◆Zoe: Hi, my name is Zoe. Although I don’t have much experiences to work with people from other places before, but if you ask me, I would say I’m super easy going and I barely have problem to work with anyone. And plus, we’re going to work with an international air carrier hired more than hundred nationalities, how can we survive if we refuse to work with certain people? Does anyone here ever work with?
Hi,我是Zoe !雖然我沒有太多跟外國人工作的經驗,如果要我說的話,我是那種『大家好』的人,幾乎沒跟誰起過衝突。而且我們未來要工作的公司很國際化,有來自超過 100 個國家的同事,如果我們不願意跟特定的人種一起共事,要怎麼在這樣的公司工作呢?

◆Benjamin: I’m Ben. And don’t take it personal, Zoe. With all the respect, we can’t be friend with everyone and love to work with all of them. We had an intern from India, to be honest, I don’t like to work with him. He is a nice guy, but very picky on little stuff and super stingy.

◆Gina: But thinking on the other hand, Ben. If you live and work far away from your family with limited budget, you might do the same. Why don’t we can think of anything we might not use to due to language or culture barrier. For example, I remember I had a misunderstanding with my Korean friend when I was in Seoul for one-year exchanging program. My classmate told me something really funny, and I replied her “Oh, shut up, tell me about it.” She pulled her face down immediately and said “I can’t believe how rude you are! How dare you tell me to shut up?” I spent almost 10 minutes to explain that only means “you gotta be joking me.” Not literally want her to shut her mouth off. But it gave me a really good lesson that sometimes we feel certain nationalities are not easy to get along with, but in fact, we just have different culture.
可是我們換個角度想,如果你在國外工作,沒有家人幫忙又有預算限制,也許你也會有一樣的反應。大家一起想想我們曾經碰過 什麼文化或語言上不同調的狀況可能會比較實際喔。像我記得我在首爾當交換學生的時候,也曾經因為語言隔閡和韓國朋友有點小小的誤會。當時我的同學跟我說了一個笑話,然後我反射性的 回答“Oh, shut up, tell me about it.”沒想到他當場變臉,很生氣的說『你怎麼可以這樣跟我說話?這是非常沒有禮貌的行為!』我差不多花了 10 分鐘解釋這只是一個習慣用語,表示妳說的話很誇張好笑,不是真的要她閉嘴。不過這給我一個很好的教訓,有時候我們覺得別人不好相處,其實只是文化跟語言造成的不理解。

◆Coco: That’s very true. Last year I went to United State for work and travel program. My homestay mom pulled me to the side one day and told me “Coco, I need to tell you
that you’re a grown-up and need to be responsible to your living environment. Clean up the waste basket in your is
a basic, you can’t expect I’ll do it for you.” Some people may think my homestay mom was picky on little stuff, I was blushed when she said that. Especially I understand I represent Taiwanese when I’m aboard, I may give them wrong impression of our nationalities as well.

◆Amanda: There’s one thing happened before, but I’m not too sure if that’s related with the nationality. My ex-boss is Japanese and he was very focus on the detail. Each run- own of him need to be checked for at least three times to make sure everything is under control. I mean, is good to be careful but I rather check it once carefully instead of being paranoid.

◆Zoe: Hummm… I think I got it. Looking for the culture we’re not too familiar with, right? Perhaps I will be more careful if I need to co-work with South African. We have an exchange student from Johannesburg, she talks really fast with strong accent, I usually need to ask her to repeat few times to understand what she said. Therefore, if there’s South African colleague in our team, I’ll be more careful to catch the information when we communicate.
喔 我懂了!找到文化習慣不一樣的人對嗎?這麼說來我如果跟南非人一起工作會比較小心。我們學校有個從約翰尼斯堡來的交換生,她說話好快而且口音好重,我都要問她好幾遍才能聽懂她的意思。所以如果以後跟南非同事一起工作的話,在溝通的過程中我一定會特別注意。

◆Benjamin: To be the accent, our Indian intern has strong accent as well. Frankly, he’s not that nasty at work, just like Amanda’s ex- too focus on the small things. And I’m an efficient worker, it’s easy to cause conflict when we cooperate. Maybe we both need to learn from each other. Anyway, seems like each us mentioned one nationality we may have trouble to work with, right? Indian, Korean,
American, Japanese and South African……
說道口音,我們家的印度同事口音也超重的。不過說真的,他在工作上其實也沒有那麼討厭啦,其實只是像Amanda 的前老闆一樣太重視小細節。然後我又比較重視工作的效率,共事自然容易有摩擦。也許我們都得要互相向對方學習一下。好吧~ 看來我們都說了一個國籍,現在有印度、韓國、美國、日本和南非……

◆Coco: Wait a minute, I don’t actually have problems to work with American. In fact, I adore their independency and team-oriented work pattern. But I wonder if there will be some other nationality that we have no idea about their……

●To be continued…

長年在國外生活工作的Kathy 老師和Cynthia 老師常常開玩笑說,看了愈多國際人士,跟愈多不同背景的同事工作,愈可以發現原來自己終究無法跟每個人和平相處。

面談中裝好人是不行的,因為閱人無數的主考官們的眼睛可是雪亮的很。要老實說出來心裡話,又要能夠取得主考官的認同,一定要好好用先前Kathy 老師和Fiona 老師特別分享過的 P.C. words,還有Steve 老師最喜歡用的 Transition Language 喔!不知道怎麼用的話趕快來找我們喔~


EllenCC Club, 空姐讀書會, 劉平老師