這 3 個準空服員中,如果你要選一個人在這關被淘汰,你會選誰?| 空姐應考前準備

在面談單字上,針對字彙的常見用法、常見迷思、常見限制做說明,希望大家能每天一點點,強化自己的單字力 ~

Steve老師 – 前國泰航空 空服員.TESOL 英語教學權威


【parts of speech】adj.



【用範例句型學單字】That saying was inconvincible, so please show more proofs to us. 那種說詞不能讓人信服,所以請您多提供些証據。


【parts of speech】n.



【用範例句型學單字】May’s sexual scandal totally ruined her career. 梅的性醜聞完全毀了她的事業。


【parts of speech】v.

【synonym簡單用法】get drunk

【synonym漂亮用法】get tipsy

【用範例句型學單字】You could easily get intoxicated if you drink with those guys. 如果你和這些人喝酒的話,很容易就會醉得不醒人事。

※intoxicate常與連綴動詞(become、get、或be動詞)連用,然後以過去分詞出現當作形容詞來使用,如:someone becomes/gets/is intoxicated:某人喝得醉醺醺的


【parts of speech】v.

【synonym簡單用法】show up


【用範例句型學單字】If you don’t listen to me and do as I say, I will unclose your crimes. 如果你不聽我所言和照我說的去做,我將公開你的罪狀。

【vocabulary/phrases】sack out (of~):開除

【parts of speech】v.


【synonym漂亮用法】be laid off

【用範例句型學單字】My sister was sacked out of her company last week just because of a small mistake she made. 我姐姐上週只是因為犯了一個小錯就被公司開除了。



【parts of speech】v.


【synonym漂亮用法】hold over

【用範例句型學單字】Join will not be suspend for the game for 3 months because he violated the rule last time. 約翰因為上回犯了規,所以他被中止參賽三個月。

【vocabulary/phrases】involve in:涉入

【parts of speech】v.



【用範例句型學單字】I suggest that you don’t involve in their conversation, because they will talk for a long long time. 我建議你別加入他們的聊天,因為他們會聊得非常久。

※involve in也常和連綴動詞(become、get、be動詞)連用並轉成過去分詞代替形容詞形式,如:someone becomes/get/is involved in…某人涉入了…

面試模式-團體英文討論題目Group discussion & performance


4 月份連續 4 家航空公司( 廈門、卡達、春秋、日航) 一家接著一家展開招募,在這些航空公司工作,常常必須面對跟來自不同背景的同事一起工作,溝通上容易起摩擦。


空姐面談字彙《情境練習》,Steve 老師要帶著大家一起用簡單的原則,向在旁邊觀察你的主考官展現正向思考的特質喔 ~

*Steve 老師提醒大家,以下範例為著重流暢度的面談口語自然表達 ,不是正式書寫文章的模式喔 !

★面談情境 :Group Discussion, 3 candidates (Jeromy, Lilian, Veronica) with one
interviewer Melody.

◆Interviewer Melody: Good afternoon, guys. For this stage, I would like you discuss about “what are the most annoying colleagues for you to work with?” We have 10 minutes and I will need each one of you to tell me your ideas.

◆Lilian & Jeromy: Hi, my name is…
嗨 ~ 我的名字是……

◆Jeromy: Oh, you go ahead. Lady first.

◆Lilian: Thank you, Sir. It’s really kind of you. I’m Lilian and I would like to share my opinion of the most annoying colleagues at work. I don’t know how you feel about this, but I definitely don’t like to work with someone who’s lazy. One of my colleagues at the restaurant was such a pain and so lazy. She usually too involved in7 the conversation with customers at the table side, and I had to cover her butt when we’re in the same shift.
謝謝,你人真好。我是 Lilian,我想跟大家分享一下我對於討厭的同事的看法。我不知道你們怎麼想,但我真心討厭跟懶惰的人一起工作。我在餐廳的其中一個同事是個超討人厭的懶惰蟲。每次他都要花很久的時間站在桌邊跟顧客聊天,跟他一起上班的時候都要一直幫他收尾。

◆Veronica: Wow, did anyone of you speak to her?

◆Lilian: No. Why should we?

◆Veronica: She might not realize the way about her maintaining the relationship with customer to be affecting the team and the efficiency. And sometimes, “work slowly” means the person is not too familiar with the S.O.P. and that’s adjustable.

◆Lilian: But she has been with us more than one month already. How come she couldn’t see that’s already been a problem?

◆Veronica: Well, I’m not here to challenge you. I’m just saying that issue could be solved as long as we open the conversation.
呃 … 我沒有挑戰你的意思。只是想說如果能夠開門見山的溝通,問題也許能夠得到解決。

◆Lilian: Anyway, what kind of colleague you don’t want to work with, Veronica?

◆Veronica: By saying that, I will be careful if we have a babbler in our team. One of my colleagues was sacked out of5 the company last week. She was very fond of spreading false rumors on Facebook and Dcard about company policy and colleagues. It was pretty hurt that she posted my photo on Facebook and said I’m a slut, especially I barely had a chance to interact with her. My other colleagues and me try to speak to her about this inappropriate behavior, but she wouldn’t stop. She insisted that she unclose4 the truth. We had no choice but to report this to the HR department.
說到這個,如果團隊裡有喜歡搬弄是非的人,那我會特別小心。上周我有個同事被公司開除。他平常就是喜歡在臉書和 Dcard 散布關於公司政策和同事間謠言的人。坦白說,看到他在臉書上放了我的照片還說我是個蕩婦的時候,還蠻受傷的。特別是我跟他平常幾乎沒有互動。我和其他的同事有試圖跟他溝通,請他停止這樣的行為,但他依然故我。還堅持他只是揭發事實。我們實在別無選擇,只好向公司的人資部門舉報他的行為。

◆Lilian: Gosh. What a terrible scandal2. You must be too kind to only report her to the HR. I would probably call the police.

◆Jeromy: I really admire the way you handled this issue, Veronica. It’s absolutely not easy to have this kind of colleague in the company. Having a babbler in the team is a nightmare and having someone who is against self-discipline is also a grind. My colleague was caught intoxicated3 on shift a few weeks ago. She was acting abnormally at the counter and I could even smell alcohol from her breath. She told the duty manager that she was using mouthwash and that’s why she had fruity breath, but they found an empty whisky bottle in her bag. Unfortunately, that was not her first time to be unprofessional by working while sozzled. The manager didn’t buy her inconceivable1 excuse. She was immediately suspended6 for her duty.

◆Veronica: Considering our work environment in the future, working with an intoxicated3 colleague sounds very insecure. I think I’m with you.

◆Jeromy: It’s a shame to raise this up, but……

To be continued……

這 3 個準空服員中,如果你要選一個人在這關被淘汰,你會選誰啊?

我認為 Jeromy 跟 Veronica 兩個人把我們在面談當中的「不批評原則」掌握的很好。空服員的工作免不了與人互動,在面談的各個環節中,我們會盡可能避免使用負面攻擊性字眼來回答主考官的問題。You say who you are. 一個人如果說話充滿著負面能量,又怎麼能在工作中展現正面思考呢?


EllenCC Club, 空姐讀書會, 劉平老師