


上一小節,我先示範了8個常用的廣播詞,接下來一共有5段機艙廣播詞,未來工作中將會出現在機艙內, 你們跟著我一起來唸唸看! 在這一小節中,我要來示範Welcome Speech歡迎詞、After Take-off起飛後等等,在飛機上會使用到的廣播詞。




第1段Welcome Speech歡迎詞
Good morning(afternoon,evening)! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard (Comma航空公司) flight (0018) from (臺北) to (舊金山). Our flight will take _12___ hours and __15___ minutes. To be safe, passengers are not allowed to use mobile phone, remote controlled toys and other electronic devices throughout the flight, and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing. We will take off immediately. Now the cabin attendants are going to have a security check. Please be seated, fasten your seat belt and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you!


第2段After Take-off起飛後
Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, and you may now move around the cabin. However we always recommend to keep your seat belt fastened while you’re seated. In a few moments, we will be serving you meal with tea, coffee and other soft drinks. Welcome to make your choice. Please put down the table in front of you. For the convenience of the passenger behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position during the meal service. Thank you!


Ladies and gentlemen, we are now encountering some turbulence. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belt. Lavatory is not to be used. When you are using lavatory, please hold the handle tightly. During turbulence, we will stop the cabin service. Thank you!


第4段Before Landing降落前
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Captain speaking. We expect to land at Osaka in 15 minutes. The estimated time of arrival will be at 14:15 . The local time now is 13:55 and the ground temperature is 20 degree centigrade. Please fasten your seat belt. We would like to thank you for flying with us, We do hope you have enjoyed your flight, thank you.
各位旅客您好,這是來自機長的廣播,我們預計在 _15 分鐘之後降落至(大阪)機場,預計抵達的時間為 下午2:15 ,現在當地的時間是 _13:55_,氣溫為攝氏 _20_ 度。請您系好安全帶準備降落。非常謝謝您今天的搭乘,祝您有個愉快的一天。


第5段After Landing降落後
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to HNL Airport. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated and keep your mobile phones power of
f until the airplane has come to a complete stop. Please be sure to take all your belongings when you are disembark. Your checked baggage may be claim in the terminal building. Thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice stay!


空服員面試還有非常重要的小叮嚀~~面試徵選關卡中,「朗讀包括-廣播詞及文章」在朗讀之後,主考官會以以下的方式進行再與應徵者互動,第一種:確定應徵者有沒有真懂內容,還是囫圇吞棗。 主考官會這麼問:「剛剛這篇廣播詞是在什麼時候會聽到?」




以上5個廣播詞大家可以反覆聆聽,並且一定要自己念出聲來練習喔!回顧一下這個單元,劉平老師先和大家分享了履歷表中重要的關鍵字,然後還有面試衣服顏色選擇上的要點,最後是登機前和飛機上的幾個常聽到的廣播詞示範,有空一定要多多練習喔! 下一單元,我將為你分析重要的面試題庫!


空姐, 空姐讀書會, EllenCC Club劉平老師

美國特洛伊大學( Tory Uni.)EMBA.中華航空前資深空服員